viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016


Resultado de imagen para feminismHi everyone like all the Fridays today we have to do this blog, and in this opportunity I write about the feminism.
Well as a woman the feminism is a very important movement because we are moving for the evolution of the society, but the really big problem with this movement is that we live in a society dominated by men and the education that we received even in our homes is based in male sexism for example that like a girls we have to set the table, wash the dishes, and all that things.

To be able to make this movement better we need to know the difference between equality an equity, first we have to understand that men and women never will be the same, because we have many differences biologically, anatomically and physiologically  so that the movement looks for is the equity like a society, the same rights and homework that everyone.

In my point of view the feminism change my life because in my home my mom is a person with marked stereotypes for the girls and now in Santiago (alone) I can express mi thinking and I can go to the parades like #niunamenos by the way was a wonderful parade, not like the parades of the students, was more sentimental and with so much announcement that another parades that I’ve attended before

So in conclusion, supporting this movement is important for the society and for our lives.  

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016

My paranormal experience

Hello, like all the weeks we have to write about different topics, in this opportunity it’s the turn of paranormal experiences.

Resultado de imagen para fantasmasLet’s see, I think that in my life have not had a paranormal experience, the only thing that maybe count like this subject is that when I was 13 years old one day I wake up at 4:00 o’clock and I started to listen a rare noise coming from a chair in the dining room, obviously in that moment I thought that it was a product of my imagination, but the strange in this situation is that in the next 5 days I always woke up at the same time and always listen the same noise so I started to think that something happened in my house and I just decide go to the cemetery and bring some flowers to my familiars, strangely at the next Day that I did this the noise stopped, I don’t know if this was result of my imagination or what, but since that day I go to the cemetery with some frequency for not have to pass again for that scary and strange situation.

Resultado de imagen para diablo, brujas y fantasmasI must add that I live in a small town with some myths about spirits, witches and the freaky devil so I was bred under that culture, but I am a rational and science person so I don’t believe in thinks that doesn’t exist. 

My future dream job

Hello, today I’m gonna talk about a job I would like to have:
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If I could choose any job not related to what I’m studying now, I would like to work on a cruise, of course this is an outdoors job, and when think about it, I imagine me meeting a lot of fun people from all parts of the world, maybe learning some new languages, working with nice people and making stops at beautiful places, but I know that it can’t be all so perfect.
This is a job that involves travel a lot, but this is not always a good thing because it also cost you not to spend time with your family and friends, however work at this maybe just for one year could bring you good experiences and memories, for not saying all the gorgeous places that you can visit.
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About the salary, I have really no idea how much they pay f
or any job at a cruise, but like I said before, maybe if you do it just for one or two years, the money that you earn might not be your principal worry. Of course you always have to put in a balance the work that you are making and how much are they paying you, because if it is not worthy you may want to think it twice.

Don't you think that work in a cruise would be amazing?

a postgraduate to the future

Hi everyone! Today we have to talk about postgraduate studies.

In this moment I am studying dentistry and still have 4 years to be able to finish. (It’s so sadL) Actually I haven’t thought of any kind of postgraduate but if I have to decide something now I prefer the implantology or the forensic dental anthropology, but based on the work situation in this country as a forensic dental anthropologist I wouldn’t have work anywhere and literally I would die starving so in that way I prefer the Implantology because it is an interesting postgraduate and I could help the people with the problem of the absence of teeth in their mouths.

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If I have the opportunity of studying this subject of course I would  decide go to study in another country, like the United States for example and traveling to this country, would make me know great teachers and even work in there for some time (obviously learn English very well).

Personally I think that implantology is a postgraduate guided to return the quality of life of the people and the social status in the society and I would be happy doing that, for that reason I prefer this postgraduate over the rest of the opportunities of subjects that I can take after finishing the dentistry career.  I expect that you can choose some postgraduate that makes you happy like me with the implantology.